Explore 107 JavaScript Leetcode Solutions By Aman Pareek


60 Problems

Discover essential techniques for working with arrays in JavaScript through our detailed guides. We offer practical examples and solutions to help you effectively manage and manipulate arrays, whether you're a beginner or seeking to enhance your skills. Our resources cover key concepts like array methods, iteration techniques, and advanced operations. Learn how to efficiently handle data, perform transformations, and solve common coding challenges with JavaScript arrays. With our comprehensive tutorials and best practices, you’ll be equipped to tackle array-related issues confidently and streamline your development process. Dive into our array resources and elevate your JavaScript proficiency today.



5 Problems

Recursion solves problems by breaking them into smaller sub-problems. A recursive function calls itself with modified arguments until it reaches a base case. For example, to compute a factorial, the function multiplies the number by the factorial of the previous number until reaching 1. Recursion is effective for tasks like navigating trees or graphs but needs careful handling to avoid infinite loops and stack overflow. Properly defined base cases and managing function calls are crucial for effective recursion, which often leads to elegant and concise solutions.


Regeular Expressions (regex)

4 Problems

Unlock the power of JavaScript regular expressions with our in-depth guides. We provide clear explanations and practical examples to help you master regex, whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills. Our tutorials cover everything from basic syntax to advanced pattern matching, addressing common coding challenges with JavaScript regex. Learn how to effectively use regular expressions to validate input, search and replace text, and solve a variety of problems. With our easy-to-follow resources and best practices, you can streamline your development process and tackle regex issues with confidence.



38 Problems

Explore our collection of JavaScript LeetCode solutions focused on string manipulation. Find a variety of problems with multiple solutions and detailed explanations to help you master string challenges and enhance your coding skills.


Latest LeetCode Solutions

Match hex color codes Extract version numbers from strings Extract phone numbers from a block of text Validate Email Address Degree of an Array Min Cost Climbing Stairs Climbing Stairs Count the Number of Special Characters I Detect Capital Longest Palindromic Substring


What is this site about?

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This site features a collection of JavaScript solutions for LeetCode problems, showcasing various approaches to solving each problem. Each problem comes with multiple solutions, allowing you to see different ways to tackle the same challenge.

Can I contribute my own problems or solutions?

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Currently, contributions from users are not accepted. However, we are considering adding a feature for user contributions in the future. Please stay tuned for updates!

How often are the solutions updated?

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I strive to keep the solutions up-to-date. Whenever a bug is identified or a more efficient approach is discovered, I update the solutions accordingly. This ensures you have access to the most accurate and optimized methods.

Are explanations provided for each solution?

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Yes, explanations are included to help you understand the approach used in each solution. While many of the approaches are straightforward, the explanations aim to clarify the thought process behind them.

Can I ask questions or provide feedback?

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Absolutely! If you have any questions, feedback, or need further clarification on any solution, feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn: Aman Pareek.

Are the solutions tested?

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Yes, all solutions are thoroughly tested to ensure they work correctly for the given problems. If you encounter any issues, please let me know so I can make necessary corrections.

How can I suggest improvements or report issues?

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If you notice any errors or have suggestions for improving the solutions, please contact me via LinkedIn. Your feedback is valuable and helps enhance the quality of the content.

What is your approach to solving problems?

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I use a variety of strategies to solve LeetCode problems, including brute force, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, and more. Each problem is approached with the aim of providing multiple perspectives and solutions to help you grasp different problem-solving techniques as needed.