Count and Say


By - Aman Pareek

Last Updated - 02/09/2024

Problem Statement

The "Count and Say" sequence is a sequence of digit strings that is defined recursively. Here's how it works:

  1. countAndSay(1) starts with the string "1".

  2. For any number n greater than 1, countAndSay(n) is obtained by describing the digits of countAndSay(n - 1). This is done using a technique called run-length encoding (RLE).

Run-Length Encoding (RLE): This is a method where you count consecutive identical characters in a string and then encode them as the count followed by the character. For example, if you have the string "3322251":

  • "33" is encoded as "23" (2 occurrences of '3')

  • "222" is encoded as "32" (3 occurrences of '2')

  • "5" is encoded as "15" (1 occurrence of '5')

  • "1" is encoded as "11" (1 occurrence of '1')

Putting it all together, the RLE of "3322251" would be "23321511".


Given a positive integer n, return the nth term in the "Count and Say" sequence.

Example 1

Input: n = 1

Output: "1"

Example 2

Input: n = 4

Output: "1211"

Solution 1: Iterative Approach

function countAndSay(n) {
    function generateNextSequence(currentSequence) {
        let result = "";
        let index = 0;
        while (index < currentSequence.length) {
            let count = 1;
            while (index + 1 < currentSequence.length && currentSequence[index] === currentSequence[index + 1]) {
            result += count + currentSequence[index];
        return result;

    let sequence = "1";
    for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
        sequence = generateNextSequence(sequence);

    return sequence;

const n1 = 1;
countAndSay(n1);  //output: 1 

const n2 = 4;
countAndSay(n2);  //output: 1211 

Solution 2: Recursive Approach

function countAndSayRecursive(n) {
    if (n === 1) return "1";

    function generateNextSequence(currentSequence) {
        let result = "";
        let index = 0;
        while (index < currentSequence.length) {
            let count = 1;
            while (index + 1 < currentSequence.length && currentSequence[index] === currentSequence[index + 1]) {
            result += count + currentSequence[index];
        return result;

    return generateNextSequence(countAndSay(n - 1));

const n1 = 1;
countAndSayRecursive(n1);  //output: 1 

const n2 = 4;
countAndSayRecursive(n2);  //output: 1211 

Solution 3: Dynamic Programming

function countAndSayDynamicProgramming(n) {
    const sequences = ["1"];

    function generateNextSequence(currentSequence) {
        let result = "";
        let index = 0;
        while (index < currentSequence.length) {
            let count = 1;
            while (index + 1 < currentSequence.length && currentSequence[index] === currentSequence[index + 1]) {
            result += count + currentSequence[index];
        return result;

    for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        sequences.push(generateNextSequence(sequences[i - 1]));

    return sequences[n - 1];

const n1 = 1;
countAndSayDynamicProgramming(n1);  //output: 1 

const n2 = 4;
countAndSayDynamicProgramming(n2);  //output: 1211 

Solution 4: Using a Queue

function countAndSayUsingQueue(n) {
    if (n === 1) return "1";
    let currentSequence = "1";

    for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        let newSequence = "";
        let index = 0;
        while (index < currentSequence.length) {
            let count = 1;
            while (index + 1 < currentSequence.length && currentSequence[index] === currentSequence[index + 1]) {
            newSequence += count + currentSequence[index];
        currentSequence = newSequence;

    return currentSequence;

const n1 = 1;
countAndSayUsingQueue(n1);  //output: 1 

const n2 = 4;
countAndSayUsingQueue(n2);  //output: 1211 

Solution 5: Using Array to Build Result

function countAndSayArray(n) {
    if (n === 1) return "1";
    let currentSequence = "1";

    for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        let parts = [];
        let index = 0;
        while (index < currentSequence.length) {
            let count = 1;
            while (index + 1 < currentSequence.length && currentSequence[index] === currentSequence[index + 1]) {
            parts.push(count + currentSequence[index]);
        currentSequence = parts.join("");

    return currentSequence;

const n1 = 1;
countAndSayArray(n1);  //output: 1 

const n2 = 4;
countAndSayArray(n2);  //output: 1211 

Solution 6: Optimized Space Complexity

function countAndSayOptimized(n) {
    if (n === 1) return "1";

    let currentSequence = "1";

    for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        let newSequence = "";
        let index = 0;
        while (index < currentSequence.length) {
            let count = 1;
            while (index + 1 < currentSequence.length && currentSequence[index] === currentSequence[index + 1]) {
            newSequence += count + currentSequence[index];
        currentSequence = newSequence;

    return currentSequence;

const n1 = 1;
countAndSayOptimized(n1);  //output: 1 

const n2 = 4;
countAndSayOptimized(n2);  //output: 1211 

Solution 7: Functional Programming Approach

function countAndSayFunctionalProgramming(n) {
    if (n === 1) return "1";

    const generateNextSequence = (sequence) => {
        let result = "";
        let index = 0;
        while (index < sequence.length) {
            let count = 1;
            while (index + 1 < sequence.length && sequence[index] === sequence[index + 1]) {
            result += count + sequence[index];
        return result;

    let currentSequence = "1";
    Array.from({ length: n - 1 }).forEach(() => {
        currentSequence = generateNextSequence(currentSequence);

    return currentSequence;

const n1 = 1;
countAndSayFunctionalProgramming(n1);  //output: 1 

const n2 = 4;
countAndSayFunctionalProgramming(n2);  //output: 1211