Aman Pareek
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Regeular Expressions (regex)
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Regeular Expressions (regex)
Extract phone numbers from a block of text
Extract version numbers from strings
Match hex color codes
Validate Email Address
Check if Grid Satisfies Conditions
Get first positive integer in array
Array Partition
Array of strings containing numbers
Can Place Flowers
Check if an Array is Sorted
Contains Duplicate II
Contains Duplicate elements in array
Contiguous Array
Count Anagrams
Count primes
Defuse the Bomb
Degree of an Array
Distribute Candies
Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target
Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe Game
Find and Remove element from array
Find second smallest and second largest element in array
Find the largest number in array
Finding the Resultant Array After Removing Anagrams
Flatten array
Intersection of Two Arrays
Intersection of Two Arrays II
Is array equal
Leaders in an Array
Left Rotate Array in JavaScript
Longest Harmonious Subsequence
Majority Element
Max Consecutive Ones
Maximal Square
Maximal rectangle
Maximum Average Subarray I
Maximum Product Subarray
Maximum Product of Three Numbers
Maximum Product of Word Lengths
Maximum Score From Removing Substrings
Maximum Subarray Sum
Maximum Sum Circular Subarray
Min Cost Climbing Stairs
Minimum Cost of Buying Candies With Discount
Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists
Move All Zeros to the End of an Array
Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch
Pascal's Triangle
Pascal's Triangle II
Path with Maximum Gold
Plus One
Product of array except self
Relative Ranks
Remove All Falsy Values from an Array
Remove the Last Element from an Array
Right Rotate Array in JavaScript
Search Insert Position
Set Matrix Zeroes
Single Number
Sort Colors
Split a String into a Fibonacci Sequence
Three Consecutive Odds
Time Needed to Buy Tickets
Two Sum
Union of Two Sorted Arrays
Replace Words
Detect Capital
Additive Number
Check if a String Contains Only Digits
Check if a String Contains Only Uppercase Letters
Check if a String is a Palindrome
Convert String to Title Case
Count Complete Substrings
Count Number of Vowels in a String
Count and Say
Count the Number of Special Characters I
Find Length of the Last Word
Find the First Unique Character in a String
Find the Longest Word in a Sentence
Generate Parentheses
Group Anagrams
Integer to Roman
Isomorphic Strings
Largest 3-Same-Digit Number in String
Largest Odd Number in String
Length of the Longest Palindrome
Longest Common Prefix
Longest Palindromic Substring
Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters
Longest Valid Parentheses
Multiply Strings
Number of Substrings Containing All Three Characters
Remove Duplicate Letters
Remove Outermost Parentheses
Reverse Every Word in a String
Reverse String
Reverse Vowels of a String
Reverse the Odd-Length Words in a String
Reverse words in a string
Roman to Integer
Shortest Palindrome
Sort Characters By Frequency
Valid Anagram
Word Pattern
check whether one string is a rotation of another
Climbing Stairs
Factorial of a number
Fibonacci Number
Generate Fibonacci Sequence
Sum of Digits