You are given a string word
consisting of uppercase and lowercase English letters. Your task is to determine whether the capitalization of letters in the given word adheres to one of the following rules:
All Letters are Uppercase: The entire word is written in uppercase letters (e.g., "USA").
All Letters are Lowercase: The entire word is written in lowercase letters (e.g., "leetcode").
Only the First Letter is Uppercase: The word starts with an uppercase letter followed by lowercase letters (e.g., "Google").
Your function should return true
if the word adheres to any of these rules. Otherwise, return false
Input: word = "INDIA"
Output: true
Input: word = "FlaG"
Output: false
The length of the word (1 <= word.length <= 100
The word consists of only English letters (both uppercase and lowercase).
function detectCapitalUse(word) {
const n = word.length;
let allUpper = false;
// Check if the first letter is uppercase and the second letter is also uppercase
if (word[0] === word[0].toUpperCase()) {
if (n > 1 && word[1] === word[1].toUpperCase()) {
allUpper = true;
// Validate the capitalization based on the `allUpper` flag
for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (!allUpper) {
// Check if the word is not all uppercase; all other characters must be lowercase
if (word[i] === word[i].toUpperCase()) {
return false;
} else {
// Check if the word is all uppercase; all other characters must be uppercase
if (word[i] === word[i].toLowerCase()) {
return false;
return true;
const word1 = "INDIA";
detectCapitalUse(word1); //output: true
const word2 = "FlaG";
detectCapitalUse(word2); //output: false
function detectCapitalUseSimple(word) {
const isAllCaps = word === word.toUpperCase();
const isAllLower = word === word.toLowerCase();
const isFirstCaps = word[0] === word[0].toUpperCase() && word.slice(1) === word.slice(1).toLowerCase();
return isAllCaps || isAllLower || isFirstCaps;
const word1 = "INDIA";
detectCapitalUseSimple(word1); //output: true
const word2 = "FlaG";
detectCapitalUseSimple(word2); //output: false
function detectCapitalUseRegex(word) {
return /^[A-Z]+$/.test(word) || /^[a-z]+$/.test(word) || /^[A-Z][a-z]+$/.test(word);
const word1 = "INDIA";
detectCapitalUseRegex(word1); //output: true
const word2 = "FlaG";
detectCapitalUseRegex(word2); //output: false
function detectCapitalUseCaseConversion(word) {
const allCaps = word.toUpperCase();
const allLower = word.toLowerCase();
const firstCaps = word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1).toLowerCase();
return word === allCaps || word === allLower || word === firstCaps;
const word1 = "INDIA";
detectCapitalUseCaseConversion(word1); //output: true
const word2 = "FlaG";
detectCapitalUseCaseConversion(word2); //output: false
function detectCapitalUseCountUpper(word) {
let upperCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
if (word[i] === word[i].toUpperCase()) upperCount++;
return upperCount === word.length || upperCount === 0 || (upperCount === 1 && word[0] === word[0].toUpperCase());
const word1 = "INDIA";
detectCapitalUseCountUpper(word1); //output: true
const word2 = "FlaG";
detectCapitalUseCountUpper(word2); //output: false
function detectCapitalUsePattern(word) {
if (word.length === 0) return false;
if (word[0] === word[0].toUpperCase()) {
return word.slice(1) === word.slice(1).toLowerCase() || word === word.toUpperCase();
return word === word.toLowerCase();
const word1 = "INDIA";
detectCapitalUsePattern(word1); //output: true
const word2 = "FlaG";
detectCapitalUsePattern(word2); //output: false
function detectCapitalUseEvery(word) {
const isAllCaps = word.split('').every(char => char === char.toUpperCase());
const isAllLower = word.split('').every(char => char === char.toLowerCase());
const isFirstCaps = word[0] === word[0].toUpperCase() && word.slice(1).split('').every(char => char === char.toLowerCase());
return isAllCaps || isAllLower || isFirstCaps;
const word1 = "INDIA";
detectCapitalUseEvery(word1); //output: true
const word2 = "FlaG";
detectCapitalUseEvery(word2); //output: false