Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters


By - Aman Pareek

Last Updated - 31/08/2024

Problem Statement

Given a string s and an integer k, your task is to find the length of the longest substring of s such that every character in this substring appears at least k times.

Example 1

Input: s = "aaabb" , k = 3

Output: 3

Example 2

Input: s = "ababbc" , k = 2

Output: 5

Solution 1: Using Frequency Count and Recursion

function longestSubstringWithAtLeastKCharsRecursive(s, k) {
    if (typeof s !== 'string' || typeof k !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Invalid input');
    if (k > s.length) return 0;
    function helper(start, end) {
        if (end - start + 1 < k) return 0;

        const freq = {};
        for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
            freq[s[i]] = (freq[s[i]] || 0) + 1;

        for (const [char, count] of Object.entries(freq)) {
            if (count < k) {
                let i = start;
                let maxLen = 0;
                while (i <= end) {
                    while (i <= end && freq[s[i]] < k) i++;
                    if (i > end) break;

                    let j = i;
                    while (j <= end && freq[s[j]] >= k) j++;
                    maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, helper(i, j - 1));
                    i = j;
                return maxLen;
        return end - start + 1;

    return helper(0, s.length - 1);

// Test case
console.log(longestSubstringWithAtLeastKCharsRecursive("aaabb", 3)); // Output: 3
console.log(longestSubstringWithAtLeastKCharsRecursive("ababbc", 2)); // Output: 5 

const s1 = "aaabb";
const k1 = 3;
longestSubstringWithAtLeastKCharsRecursive(s1,k1);  //output: 3 

const s2 = "ababbc";
const k2 = 2;
longestSubstringWithAtLeastKCharsRecursive(s2,k2);  //output: 5 

Solution 2: Using Divide and Conquer Strategy

function longestSubstringByDivideAndConquer(s, k) {
    if (typeof s !== 'string' || typeof k !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Invalid input');
    if (s.length === 0 || k > s.length) return 0;

    const countChars = (str) => {
        const count = {};
        for (let char of str) {
            count[char] = (count[char] || 0) + 1;
        return count;

    const findLongestSubstring = (start, end) => {
        if (end - start + 1 < k) return 0;

        const count = countChars(s.slice(start, end + 1));
        for (const [char, cnt] of Object.entries(count)) {
            if (cnt < k) {
                let maxLen = 0;
                let i = start;
                while (i <= end) {
                    while (i <= end && count[s[i]] < k) i++;
                    if (i > end) break;

                    let j = i;
                    while (j <= end && count[s[j]] >= k) j++;
                    maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, findLongestSubstring(i, j - 1));
                    i = j;
                return maxLen;
        return end - start + 1;

    return findLongestSubstring(0, s.length - 1);

// Test case
console.log(longestSubstringByDivideAndConquer("aaabb", 3)); // Output: 3
console.log(longestSubstringByDivideAndConquer("ababbc", 2)); // Output: 5 

const s1 = "aaabb";
const k1 = 3;
longestSubstringByDivideAndConquer(s1,k1);  //output: 3 

const s2 = "ababbc";
const k2 = 2;
longestSubstringByDivideAndConquer(s2,k2);  //output: 5 

Solution 3: Using Sliding Window with Variable Unique Characters

function longestSubstringUsingSlidingWindow(s, k) {
    if (typeof s !== 'string' || typeof k !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Invalid input');
    if (k > s.length) return 0;

    const maxUniqueChars = (str) => {
        const set = new Set(str);
        return set.size;

    let maxLength = 0;
    for (let numUnique = 1; numUnique <= maxUniqueChars(s); numUnique++) {
        const freq = {};
        let start = 0, end = 0, uniqueCount = 0, validCount = 0;

        while (end < s.length) {
            if (uniqueCount <= numUnique) {
                if (!freq[s[end]]) uniqueCount++;
                freq[s[end]] = (freq[s[end]] || 0) + 1;
                if (freq[s[end]] === k) validCount++;
            } else {
                if (freq[s[start]] === k) validCount--;
                if (freq[s[start]] === 0) uniqueCount--;

            if (uniqueCount === numUnique && uniqueCount === validCount) {
                maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, end - start);

    return maxLength;

// Test case
console.log(longestSubstringUsingSlidingWindow("aaabb", 3)); // Output: 3
console.log(longestSubstringUsingSlidingWindow("ababbc", 2)); // Output: 5 

const s1 = "aaabb";
const k1 = 3;
longestSubstringUsingSlidingWindow(s1,k1);  //output: 3 

const s2 = "ababbc";
const k2 = 2;
longestSubstringUsingSlidingWindow(s2,k2);  //output: 5 

Solution 4: Using Hash Map to Track Frequencies

function longestSubstringWithHashMap(s, k) {
    if (typeof s !== 'string' || typeof k !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Invalid input');
    if (k > s.length) return 0;

    function getLongestSubstring(start, end) {
        if (end - start + 1 < k) return 0;

        const count = {};
        for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
            count[s[i]] = (count[s[i]] || 0) + 1;

        for (const char in count) {
            if (count[char] < k) {
                let maxLen = 0;
                let i = start;
                while (i <= end) {
                    while (i <= end && count[s[i]] < k) i++;
                    if (i > end) break;

                    let j = i;
                    while (j <= end && count[s[j]] >= k) j++;
                    maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, getLongestSubstring(i, j - 1));
                    i = j;
                return maxLen;
        return end - start + 1;

    return getLongestSubstring(0, s.length - 1);

// Test case
console.log(longestSubstringWithHashMap("aaabb", 3)); // Output: 3
console.log(longestSubstringWithHashMap("ababbc", 2)); // Output: 5 

const s1 = "aaabb";
const k1 = 3;
longestSubstringWithHashMap(s1,k1);  //output: 3 

const s2 = "ababbc";
const k2 = 2;
longestSubstringWithHashMap(s2,k2);  //output: 5 

Solution 5: Using Recursive Approach with Frequency Count

function longestSubstringRecursiveWithFrequency(s, k) {
    if (typeof s !== 'string' || typeof k !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Invalid input');
    if (k > s.length) return 0;

    const countChars = (str) => {
        const count = {};
        for (let char of str) {
            count[char] = (count[char] || 0) + 1;
        return count;

    const longestSubstring = (start, end) => {
        if (end - start + 1 < k) return 0;

        const freq = countChars(s.slice(start, end + 1));
        for (const [char, cnt] of Object.entries(freq)) {
            if (cnt < k) {
                let maxLen = 0;
                let i = start;
                while (i <= end) {
                    while (i <= end && freq[s[i]] < k) i++;
                    if (i > end) break;

                    let j = i;
                    while (j <= end && freq[s[j]] >= k) j++;
                    maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, longestSubstring(i, j - 1));
                    i = j;
                return maxLen;
        return end - start + 1;

    return longestSubstring(0, s.length - 1);

// Test case
console.log(longestSubstringRecursiveWithFrequency("aaabb", 3)); // Output: 3
console.log(longestSubstringRecursiveWithFrequency("ababbc", 2)); // Output: 5 

const s1 = "aaabb";
const k1 = 3;
longestSubstringRecursiveWithFrequency(s1,k1);  //output: 3 

const s2 = "ababbc";
const k2 = 2;
longestSubstringRecursiveWithFrequency(s2,k2);  //output: 5 

Solution 6: Using Iterative Approach with Character Frequency

function longestSubstringWithIterativeFrequency(s, k) {
    if (typeof s !== 'string' || typeof k !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Invalid input');
    if (k > s.length) return 0;

    function longestSubstring(start, end) {
        if (end - start + 1 < k) return 0;

        const freq = {};
        for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
            freq[s[i]] = (freq[s[i]] || 0) + 1;

        for (const char in freq) {
            if (freq[char] < k) {
                let maxLen = 0;
                let i = start;
                while (i <= end) {
                    while (i <= end && freq[s[i]] < k) i++;
                    if (i > end) break;

                    let j = i;
                    while (j <= end && freq[s[j]] >= k) j++;
                    maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, longestSubstring(i, j - 1));
                    i = j;
                return maxLen;
        return end - start + 1;

    return longestSubstring(0, s.length - 1);

// Test case
console.log(longestSubstringWithIterativeFrequency("aaabb", 3)); // Output: 3
console.log(longestSubstringWithIterativeFrequency("ababbc", 2)); // Output: 5 

const s1 = "aaabb";
const k1 = 3;
longestSubstringWithIterativeFrequency(s1,k1);  //output: 3 

const s2 = "ababbc";
const k2 = 2;
longestSubstringWithIterativeFrequency(s2,k2);  //output: 5 

Solution 7: Using Recursive Function with Frequency Analysis

function longestSubstringRecursiveFrequencyAnalysis(s, k) {
    if (typeof s !== 'string' || typeof k !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Invalid input');
    if (k > s.length) return 0;

    const countChars = (str) => {
        const count = {};
        for (let char of str) {
            count[char] = (count[char] || 0) + 1;
        return count;

    const findLongestSubstring = (start, end) => {
        if (end - start + 1 < k) return 0;

        const count = countChars(s.slice(start, end + 1));
        for (const [char, cnt] of Object.entries(count)) {
            if (cnt < k) {
                let maxLen = 0;
                let i = start;
                while (i <= end) {
                    while (i <= end && count[s[i]] < k) i++;
                    if (i > end) break;

                    let j = i;
                    while (j <= end && count[s[j]] >= k) j++;
                    maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, findLongestSubstring(i, j - 1));
                    i = j;
                return maxLen;
        return end - start + 1;

    return findLongestSubstring(0, s.length - 1);

// Test case
console.log(longestSubstringRecursiveFrequencyAnalysis("aaabb", 3)); // Output: 3
console.log(longestSubstringRecursiveFrequencyAnalysis("ababbc", 2)); // Output: 5 

const s1 = "aaabb";
const k1 = 3;
longestSubstringRecursiveFrequencyAnalysis(s1,k1);  //output: 3 

const s2 = "ababbc";
const k2 = 2;
longestSubstringRecursiveFrequencyAnalysis(s2,k2);  //output: 5 

Solution 8: Using Frequency Count with Sliding Window

function longestSubstringUsingFrequencySlidingWindow(s, k) {
    if (typeof s !== 'string' || typeof k !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Invalid input');
    if (k > s.length) return 0;

    const maxUniqueChars = (str) => {
        const set = new Set(str);
        return set.size;

    let maxLength = 0;
    for (let numUnique = 1; numUnique <= maxUniqueChars(s); numUnique++) {
        const freq = {};
        let start = 0, end = 0, uniqueCount = 0, validCount = 0;

        while (end < s.length) {
            if (uniqueCount <= numUnique) {
                if (!freq[s[end]]) uniqueCount++;
                freq[s[end]] = (freq[s[end]] || 0) + 1;
                if (freq[s[end]] === k) validCount++;
            } else {
                if (freq[s[start]] === k) validCount--;
                if (freq[s[start]] === 0) uniqueCount--;

            if (uniqueCount === numUnique && uniqueCount === validCount) {
                maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, end - start);

    return maxLength;

// Test case
console.log(longestSubstringUsingFrequencySlidingWindow("aaabb", 3)); // Output: 3
console.log(longestSubstringUsingFrequencySlidingWindow("ababbc", 2)); // Output: 5 

const s1 = "aaabb";
const k1 = 3;
longestSubstringUsingFrequencySlidingWindow(s1,k1);  //output: 3 

const s2 = "ababbc";
const k2 = 2;
longestSubstringUsingFrequencySlidingWindow(s2,k2);  //output: 5 

Solution 9: Using Character Count and Recursive Search

function longestSubstringWithCharCountSearch(s, k) {
    if (typeof s !== 'string' || typeof k !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Invalid input');
    if (k > s.length) return 0;

    const countChars = (str) => {
        const count = {};
        for (let char of str) {
            count[char] = (count[char] || 0) + 1;
        return count;

    const findSubstring = (start, end) => {
        if (end - start + 1 < k) return 0;

        const freq = countChars(s.slice(start, end + 1));
        for (const char in freq) {
            if (freq[char] < k) {
                let maxLen = 0;
                let i = start;
                while (i <= end) {
                    while (i <= end && freq[s[i]] < k) i++;
                    if (i > end) break;

                    let j = i;
                    while (j <= end && freq[s[j]] >= k) j++;
                    maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, findSubstring(i, j - 1));
                    i = j;
                return maxLen;
        return end - start + 1;

    return findSubstring(0, s.length - 1);

// Test case
console.log(longestSubstringWithCharCountSearch("aaabb", 3)); // Output: 3
console.log(longestSubstringWithCharCountSearch("ababbc", 2)); // Output: 5 

const s1 = "aaabb";
const k1 = 3;
longestSubstringWithCharCountSearch(s1,k1);  //output: 3 

const s2 = "ababbc";
const k2 = 2;
longestSubstringWithCharCountSearch(s2,k2);  //output: 5 

Solution 10: Using Iterative Approach with Sliding Window

function longestSubstringIterativeSlidingWindow(s, k) {
    if (typeof s !== 'string' || typeof k !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Invalid input');
    if (k > s.length) return 0;

    const maxUniqueChars = (str) => {
        const set = new Set(str);
        return set.size;

    let maxLength = 0;
    for (let numUnique = 1; numUnique <= maxUniqueChars(s); numUnique++) {
        const freq = {};
        let start = 0, end = 0, uniqueCount = 0, validCount = 0;

        while (end < s.length) {
            if (uniqueCount <= numUnique) {
                if (!freq[s[end]]) uniqueCount++;
                freq[s[end]] = (freq[s[end]] || 0) + 1;
                if (freq[s[end]] === k) validCount++;
            } else {
                if (freq[s[start]] === k) validCount--;
                if (freq[s[start]] === 0) uniqueCount--;

            if (uniqueCount === numUnique && uniqueCount === validCount) {
                maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, end - start);

    return maxLength;

// Test case
console.log(longestSubstringIterativeSlidingWindow("aaabb", 3)); // Output: 3
console.log(longestSubstringIterativeSlidingWindow("ababbc", 2)); // Output: 5 

const s1 = "aaabb";
const k1 = 3;
longestSubstringIterativeSlidingWindow(s1,k1);  //output: 3 

const s2 = "ababbc";
const k2 = 2;
longestSubstringIterativeSlidingWindow(s2,k2);  //output: 5