Shortest Palindrome


By - Aman Pareek

Last Updated - 11/09/2024

Problem Statement

Given a string s, you want to make it a palindrome by adding the minimum number of characters to the beginning of the string. A palindrome is a string that reads the same forwards and backwards.

Example 1

Input: str = "aacecaaa"

Output: "aaacecaaa"

Example 2

Input: str = "abcd"

Output: "dcbabcd"

Solution 1: KMP Algorithm-Based Approach

function shortestPalindromeKMP(s) {
    function computeKMPTable(pattern) {
        const table = Array(pattern.length).fill(0);
        let j = 0;
        for (let i = 1; i < pattern.length; i++) {
            while (j > 0 && pattern[i] !== pattern[j]) {
                j = table[j - 1];
            if (pattern[i] === pattern[j]) {
            table[i] = j;
        return table;

    if (s.length === 0) return s;

    const reversed = s.split('').reverse().join('');
    const newString = s + '#' + reversed;
    const kmpTable = computeKMPTable(newString);
    const palinLen = kmpTable[newString.length - 1];

    return reversed.substring(0, s.length - palinLen) + s;

const str1 = "aacecaaa";
shortestPalindromeKMP(str1);  //output: aaacecaaa 

const str2 = "abcd";
shortestPalindromeKMP(str2);  //output: dcbabcd 

The KMP (Knuth-Morris-Pratt) Algorithm-Based Approach is an efficient method for solving the problem of finding the shortest palindrome by adding the minimum number of characters to the beginning of the string. This method leverages the KMP string matching algorithm to identify the longest palindromic prefix of the given string.

Solution 2: Manachers Algorithm-Based Approach for Shortest Palindrome

function shortestPalindromeManacher(s) {
    // Helper function to preprocess the input string with separators
    function preprocessString(input) {
        const length = (input.length << 1) + 3;
        const processedString = new Array(length).fill('#');
        processedString[0] = '^'; 
        processedString[length - 1] = '$';
        for (let i = 2, j = 0; j < input.length; j++, i += 2) {
            processedString[i] = input[j];
        return processedString.join('');

    // Manacher's Algorithm to find the longest palindromic prefix
    function findLongestPalindromePrefix(input) {
        const preprocessed = preprocessString(input);
        const palindromeLengths = new Array(preprocessed.length).fill(0);
        let center = 0, rightBoundary = 0;
        let maxLength = 1;

        for (let i = 1; i < preprocessed.length - 1; i++) {
            const mirrorIndex = center - (i - center);

            if (rightBoundary > i) {
                palindromeLengths[i] = Math.min(rightBoundary - i, palindromeLengths[mirrorIndex]);

            while (preprocessed[i + 1 + palindromeLengths[i]] === preprocessed[i - 1 - palindromeLengths[i]]) {

            if (i + palindromeLengths[i] > rightBoundary) {
                center = i;
                rightBoundary = i + palindromeLengths[i];

            if (i - 1 - palindromeLengths[i] <= 0) {
                maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, palindromeLengths[i]);

        // Construct the shortest palindrome by adding the reversed suffix
        const suffixToAdd = input.substring(maxLength).split('').reverse().join('');
        return suffixToAdd + input;

    return findLongestPalindromePrefix(s);

const str1 = "aacecaaa";
shortestPalindromeManacher(str1);  //output: aaacecaaa 

const str2 = "abcd";
shortestPalindromeManacher(str2);  //output: dcbabcd 
  • input: Replaces S to indicate that this is the input string being processed.

  • preprocessed: Replaces T to clearly indicate the string after preprocessing with separators.

  • palindromeLengths: Replaces P to reflect that this array holds the lengths of palindromes centered at each position.

  • center: Replaces C to denote the center of the current longest palindrome found.

  • rightBoundary: Replaces R to indicate the rightmost boundary of the current longest palindrome.

  • mirrorIndex: Replaces iMirror to clarify that this is the mirror position of i relative to the center.

  • suffixToAdd: Replaces f to specify the substring that needs to be reversed and added to the front of the original string.

Solution 3: Prefix Matching Approach for Shortest Palindrome

function shortestPalindromePrefixMatching(s) {
    // Reverse the input string
    const reversed = s.split('').reverse().join('');
    const length = reversed.length;

    // Check for the shortest palindrome by matching prefixes
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        const prefixToMatch = s.substring(0, (length - i + 1) / 2);
        const candidatePrefix = reversed.substring(i, (length + i + 1) / 2);

        if (prefixToMatch === candidatePrefix) {
            return reversed.substring(0, i) + s;

    // If no valid prefix is found, return the reversed string with last character excluded
    return reversed.substring(0, length - 1) + s;

const str1 = "aacecaaa";
shortestPalindromePrefixMatching(str1);  //output: aaacecaaa 

const str2 = "abcd";
shortestPalindromePrefixMatching(str2);  //output: dcbabcd 

Solution 4: Using Dynamic Programming

function shortestPalindromeDP(s) {
    function isPalindrome(i, j) {
        while (i < j) {
            if (s[i] !== s[j]) return false;
        return true;

    let res = s.split('');
    for (let i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (isPalindrome(0, i)) {
            let suffix = s.slice(i + 1);
            res = [...suffix.split('').reverse(), ...res];
            return res.join('');
    return res.join('');

const str1 = "aacecaaa";
shortestPalindromeDP(str1);  //output: aaacecaaa 

const str2 = "abcd";
shortestPalindromeDP(str2);  //output: dcbabcd 

Solution 5: Hashing Approach

function shortestPalindromeHashing(s) {
    const base = 131; // Base for the polynomial rolling hash
    const mod = 1e9 + 7; // Modulus to handle large numbers and avoid overflow
    let mul = 1; // Multiplier for the suffix hash
    let prefix = 0; // Hash of the prefix
    let suffix = 0; // Hash of the suffix
    let idx = 0; // Index where the longest palindromic prefix ends
    const n = s.length;
    // Calculate hashes to find the longest palindromic prefix
    for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        const t = s.charCodeAt(i) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0) + 1;
        prefix = (prefix * base + t) % mod;
        suffix = (suffix + t * mul) % mod;
        mul = (mul * base) % mod;
        if (prefix === suffix) {
            idx = i + 1;
    // If the entire string is a palindrome, return it
    if (idx === n) {
        return s;
    // Build the shortest palindrome by adding the reversed suffix to the original string
    const suffixToAdd = s.substring(idx).split('').reverse().join('');
    return suffixToAdd + s;

const str1 = "aacecaaa";
shortestPalindromeHashing(str1);  //output: aaacecaaa 

const str2 = "abcd";
shortestPalindromeHashing(str2);  //output: dcbabcd