Degree of an Array


By - Aman Pareek

Last Updated - 13/09/2024

Problem Statement

In this problem, you are given a non-empty array of non-negative integers, nums. The degree of an array is defined as the maximum frequency of any single element within the array. Your task is to determine the smallest possible length of a contiguous subarray that has the same degree as the original array.

Example 1

Input: nums = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1]

Output: 2

Example 2

Input: nums = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2]

Output: 6

Solution 1: Brute Force Approach

function findSmallestLengthBruteForce(nums) {
    const degree = Math.max( => nums.filter(x => x === n).length));
    let minLength = nums.length;

    for (let start = 0; start < nums.length; start++) {
        for (let end = start; end < nums.length; end++) {
            const subArray = nums.slice(start, end + 1);
            const subDegree = Math.max( => subArray.filter(x => x === n).length));
            if (subDegree === degree) {
                minLength = Math.min(minLength, end - start + 1);

    return minLength;

const nums1 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1];
findSmallestLengthBruteForce(nums1);  //output: 2 

const nums2 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2];
findSmallestLengthBruteForce(nums2);  //output: 6 

Solution 2: Hash Map for Frequency and Indices

function findSmallestLengthHashMap(nums) {
    const count = {};
    const firstIndex = {};
    const lastIndex = {};

    nums.forEach((num, index) => {
        if (!count[num]) count[num] = 0;
        if (firstIndex[num] === undefined) firstIndex[num] = index;
        lastIndex[num] = index;

    const degree = Math.max(...Object.values(count));
    let minLength = nums.length;

    for (let num in count) {
        if (count[num] === degree) {
            minLength = Math.min(minLength, lastIndex[num] - firstIndex[num] + 1);

    return minLength;

const nums1 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1];
findSmallestLengthHashMap(nums1);  //output: 2 

const nums2 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2];
findSmallestLengthHashMap(nums2);  //output: 6 

Solution 3: Two-Pass Approach Approach

function findSmallestLengthTwoPass(nums) {
    const count = {};
    const firstIndex = {};
    const lastIndex = {};

    nums.forEach((num, index) => {
        if (!count[num]) count[num] = 0;
        if (firstIndex[num] === undefined) firstIndex[num] = index;
        lastIndex[num] = index;

    const degree = Math.max(...Object.values(count));
    let minLength = nums.length;

    Object.keys(count).forEach(num => {
        if (count[num] === degree) {
            minLength = Math.min(minLength, lastIndex[num] - firstIndex[num] + 1);

    return minLength;

const nums1 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1];
findSmallestLengthTwoPass(nums1);  //output: 2 

const nums2 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2];
findSmallestLengthTwoPass(nums2);  //output: 6 

Solution 4: Sliding Window Approach

function findSmallestLengthSlidingWindow(nums) {
    const count = {};
    const firstIndex = {};
    const lastIndex = {};

    nums.forEach((num, index) => {
        if (!count[num]) count[num] = 0;
        if (firstIndex[num] === undefined) firstIndex[num] = index;
        lastIndex[num] = index;

    const degree = Math.max(...Object.values(count));
    let minLength = nums.length;

    for (let start = 0; start < nums.length; start++) {
        const currentCount = {};
        let end = start;

        while (end < nums.length) {
            const num = nums[end];
            if (!currentCount[num]) currentCount[num] = 0;
            if (currentCount[num] === degree) {
                minLength = Math.min(minLength, end - start + 1);

    return minLength;

const nums1 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1];
findSmallestLengthSlidingWindow(nums1);  //output: 2 

const nums2 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2];
findSmallestLengthSlidingWindow(nums2);  //output: 6 

Solution 5: Using Map and Array

function findSmallestLengthMapArray(nums) {
    const countMap = new Map();
    const firstIndices = new Map();
    const lastIndices = new Map();

    nums.forEach((num, index) => {
        if (!countMap.has(num)) {
            countMap.set(num, 0);
            firstIndices.set(num, index);
        countMap.set(num, countMap.get(num) + 1);
        lastIndices.set(num, index);

    const degree = Math.max(...countMap.values());
    let minLength = nums.length;

    for (let [num, count] of countMap) {
        if (count === degree) {
            minLength = Math.min(minLength, lastIndices.get(num) - firstIndices.get(num) + 1);

    return minLength;

const nums1 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1];
findSmallestLengthMapArray(nums1);  //output: 2 

const nums2 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2];
findSmallestLengthMapArray(nums2);  //output: 6 

Solution 6: Optimized Frequency Count

function findSmallestLengthOptimizedFrequency(nums) {
    const frequency = {};
    const firstOccurrence = {};
    const lastOccurrence = {};

    nums.forEach((num, index) => {
        if (!frequency[num]) frequency[num] = 0;
        if (firstOccurrence[num] === undefined) firstOccurrence[num] = index;
        lastOccurrence[num] = index;

    const degree = Math.max(...Object.values(frequency));
    let minLength = nums.length;

    for (const num of Object.keys(frequency)) {
        if (frequency[num] === degree) {
            minLength = Math.min(minLength, lastOccurrence[num] - firstOccurrence[num] + 1);

    return minLength;

const nums1 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1];
findSmallestLengthOptimizedFrequency(nums1);  //output: 2 

const nums2 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2];
findSmallestLengthOptimizedFrequency(nums2);  //output: 6 

Solution 7: Using Object.entries()

function findSmallestLengthObjectEntries(nums) {
    const freq = {};
    const firstIndex = {};
    const lastIndex = {};

    nums.forEach((num, index) => {
        if (!freq[num]) freq[num] = 0;
        if (firstIndex[num] === undefined) firstIndex[num] = index;
        lastIndex[num] = index;

    const degree = Math.max(...Object.values(freq));
    let minLength = nums.length;

    Object.entries(freq).forEach(([num, count]) => {
        if (count === degree) {
            minLength = Math.min(minLength, lastIndex[num] - firstIndex[num] + 1);

    return minLength;

const nums1 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1];
findSmallestLengthObjectEntries(nums1);  //output: 2 

const nums2 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2];
findSmallestLengthObjectEntries(nums2);  //output: 6